All DeltaVS designed and built products have a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects. We will replace or repair, at our choice, any DeltaVS product that fails under normal, intended use.
We have a curated collection of high-quality components from other manufacturers we offer for sale. We work closely with those manufacturers if something goes wrong with their product. If you buy one of their products from us, get a hold of us first and we will put you in touch with the right people to solve the problem.
A non-exhaustive list of examples of things not covered by above warranty because they fall outside “normal, intended use”:
- Driving into a tree and messing up your bumper
- Being driven into and messing up your bumper.
- Driving on an off-road trail and messing up your bumper
- Drifting around a corner on a dirt road, hitting a rock/hole/small or large animal and messing up your panhard lift bracket
- Overloading your overhead storage and having it pull out the OEM sheetmetal
-Putting 40” tires under and a turbocharged LS motor in your 80 Series, punching the throttle at 900 rpm, and wondering why various parts are outside the vehicle instead of inside…
You get the idea…we can’t protect you from yourself, but we can offer you products that will help do that!
Send an email to with WARRANTY in the subject line and details of your issue in the body. We’ll get back with you as quickly as possible. If for some odd reason you don’t hear from us within 24 hours, please send a follow-up email.