DVS Replica Dual Fuel Tank Selector Knob

DVS Replica Dual Fuel Tank Selector Knob

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Land Cruiser Dual Fuel Tank Selector Knob

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Our Replacement Dual Tank Fuel Knobs for part numbers 77324-60011 and 77324-60012, which are now obsolete. These knobs are commonly found on nearly all Land Cruisers with a fuel door tank selector knob. The original knobs from Toyota were made from Bakelite, a material known for cracking and becoming brittle over time.

Our replacement knobs are CNC machined and anodized for enhanced durability and longevity, ensuring your fuel tank selector remains functional and reliable.


  • CNC Machined and anodized fuel knob
  • Metric jam nut (coming soon)

Made in the USA

Upgrade your Land Cruiser with our precision-engineered fuel knobs and enjoy the confidence of a reliable and long-lasting component.


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